What is CGS?
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a common religious experience where children have a special child-sized space and ample time to encounter God in the way that is natural to them; through hands-on materials, songs and celebrations. This prepared environment is called the Atrium. In the Atrium, it is understood that God is already in a loving and joyful relationship with the child. The adult’s job is to remove all obstacles that get in the way of that relationship and provide an environment, materials and prayer opportunities that will help this relationship to grow and flourish. When this happens, the child’s inner need to know and love God is met and the response is JOY!
CGS at St Ludger Elementary
St Ludger Elementary is currently offering Level 1 atrium times during the school day for children ages 3-6 (preschool, preK, and Kindergarten). The children experience time in the atrium weekly. Currently, the CGS team at St Ludgers is working to expand into what is called Level 2. Level 2 students are ages 6-9 and encounter God in new and different ways as they grow into a new plane of development. It is an exciting time for CGS at St Ludgers!
Want to Support CGS at St Ludgers?
Contact Tara Gragert to find out the current needs or for a copy of the Level 2 atrium wishlist. [email protected]
Learn more about CGS
visit the national website at: